Set preferred url for onpage SEO

March 14, 2014 7:43 am

I’ve got a little update for you today, that might have a big impact on your use of the Onpage SEO Module.

Now it is possible to add a preferred url for each keywords. This comes handy, if your keyword ranks with the wrong url, or doesn’t rank at all.

Once you have added an url, we’ll use that as the primary url for that specific keyword. If you click the SEO status notification on keyword lists, you’ll get SEO suggestions for preferred url first. If you want to work with other urls, you can find them in the “Other URL’s” section of the Onpage SEO Module.

How do you set the preferred url:

1. Click the appropriate SEO indicator for the keyword, you want to set a preferred url for:

2. Click “Add a preferred URL for this keyword”, and enter url in the input field, that becomes visible


3. Wait a couple of minutes, while we update ranking factors and calculate SEO score.


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